small business

Why it’s ok to not set lofty business goals

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What I want to talk about today is a little polarizing. Some of you will love it but I’m sure there will also be some of you who won’t resonate with it at all, and that’s OK.

I want to discuss why you don’t have to strive for exponential growth or strive to build an “empire” if that’s not your definition of success.

At first glance, the online business world seems full of people who are “overnight successes.”

People who went from 0 to six figures in a month.

People who are on a mission to build an online empire that changes the world.

People who tell you to go big or go home.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being like that or believing in that if it’s your definition of success.

But if deep down it isn’t and you find yourself striving for those things anyway, there’s a problem.

I started my business back in 2012 around the time many of today’s leading, millionaire online entrepreneurs began.

As their businesses grew into the millions, I wondered from time to time if I should be there too. I thought, "Maybe I should have done things differently, thought differently, worked harder, worked longer, or launched more."

But I built a six figure online business working 20 hours a week while I traveled the world… that’s still an amazing achievement and nothing to be disappointed about!

So… why was I comparing myself to millionaires so much?

This was my problem:

For a while, I was adopting other people’s definitions of success instead of trusting in my own.

People love to tell you what success looks like. What you “should” be striving for. What you “should” be doing.

But success is yours to define.

You are allowed to run your business in whatever way feels good to you, set whatever goals feel good to you, and grow at a pace that feels good to you.

If you’ve been dealing with comparisonitis lately, today’s new video + podcast episode is for you!

In it, I discuss:

  • Defining your own version of success.

  • Why I’ve chosen to grow sustainably instead of rapidly.

  • Ditching the “should’s” of the online business world and building a business the way you want to.

  • Finding business mentors that haven’t just achieved the goals you want to achieve, but have done it in a way that would feel good to you (and live the kind of lifestyle you’d want!)

  • Three exercises to help you define your own version of success

  • Watch the video or tune in to the podcast episode below!

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About Nesha


Hey there! I’m Nesha, host of The Simple Business Show. I teach creatives how to build profitable online businesses without the hustle and crazy work hours so they can live the freedom-filled lifestyle they dream of. When I’m not working, you’ll find me sipping caramel macchiatos at Starbucks, reading personal growth books, or traveling the world with my backpack and my laptop!

Looking for more ways I can help you? Here they are:

Organize & Automate - Join 950+ students and learn how to organize your entire online service-based business in just two weeks (on the side of your regular routine!) so you can stop stressing and fall back in love with your business.

Simple Sales Academy - Learn how to get a consistent flow of clients so you can build the income & financial freedom you desire.

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