
How I Gained 800 Instagram Followers With Just 1 Post

How I Gained 800 Instagram Followers With Just 1 Post

Struggling to grow your Instagram following? How many followers you have is NOT one of the most important metrics to measure. However, it is still important. Because without followers, you have no one to serve or sell to.

Why I Took a Break from Instagram

Why I Took a Break from Instagram

Let me start by saying, Instagram isn’t bad. It can be a source of inspiration and a great way to connect with other like minded people.

But instagram, if left unchecked, can have a negative impact on our mental wellbeing.And that’s what I’ve noticed happening with me and my PERSONAL Instagram account recently.

I had to take a moment and ask myself:

  • What destroys my peace?

  • What protects my peace?

  • What would happen if I let those things go?


Because of some of these reasons...

  1. Instagram can be a comparison trap

Not really the biggest problem Instagram causes for me, I’ll go into that later. This used to be a problem for me though with my Business Instagram. I would:

  • Compare other business owner achievements

  • Compare likes

  • Compare lifestyle & money

  • Compare communities

  • Compare where THEY are to where I was

I would like to remind you about a quote by Brene Brown, “Stay in your lane. Comparison kills creativity and joy.” This couldn't be more true.

How To Promote Your Design Services On Instagram

How To Promote Your Design Services On Instagram

Let me ask you - do you actually get design clients through Instagram? Or are you wasting hours every week posting pretty pictures and liking posts?

Do you find that most of your followers are other designers, not your target clients?

Instagram is fun, there’s no doubt about it. But if Instagram isn't converting followers into clients or connecting you with people who can refer clients your way, it’s not serving your business.

Watch this video to learn how to find design clients on Instagram! (Scroll down for the written transcript.)