break from instagram

Why I Took a Break from Instagram

Why I Took a Break from Instagram

Let me start by saying, Instagram isn’t bad. It can be a source of inspiration and a great way to connect with other like minded people.

But instagram, if left unchecked, can have a negative impact on our mental wellbeing.And that’s what I’ve noticed happening with me and my PERSONAL Instagram account recently.

I had to take a moment and ask myself:

  • What destroys my peace?

  • What protects my peace?

  • What would happen if I let those things go?


Because of some of these reasons...

  1. Instagram can be a comparison trap

Not really the biggest problem Instagram causes for me, I’ll go into that later. This used to be a problem for me though with my Business Instagram. I would:

  • Compare other business owner achievements

  • Compare likes

  • Compare lifestyle & money

  • Compare communities

  • Compare where THEY are to where I was

I would like to remind you about a quote by Brene Brown, “Stay in your lane. Comparison kills creativity and joy.” This couldn't be more true.