
How I Went From A Day Job To Being A Full-Time Freelancer

How I Went From A Day Job To Being A Full-Time Freelancer

Are you...

A. Still working your day job and longing for the day you can quit and freelance full-time. (Just think - you can finally work in your pajamas!!)

B. Freelancing full-time but wishing you could work less so you can spend more time with your family, travel more, or just watch more Netflix.

If your answer is yes to either of those, today's video is for you. 

I'm sharing my journey from being a hobby blogger, to a full-time freelancer, to a six figure course creator. 

I cover a LOT in this video, like...

> How I transitioned from my day job to being a full-time freelancer

> ​How to get over feeling like a fraud because you're self-taught

> ​How much I charged my first client

> ​What my first digital product was

> ​Why slow and steady business growth beats overnight success

> ​How to build a business that allows you to work 3-4 days a week, not 5.

+ Sooo much more. 

You'll also get to see:

> ​ What my first ever blog design was (spoiler: It was a goth vegan blog!!)​

> ​ The blog that kickstarted my dream business

> ​ What my first and second portfolio site looked like

Watch the video below!

How Mel Quit Her Day Job To Freelance In Bali

How Mel Quit Her Day Job To Freelance In Bali

Today I have a case study for you that I think you’re going to totally love. My special guest is Mel Judson, who recently quit her day job, went full-time freelance, packed one suitcase and moved to Bali.

Mel is a student in my course, Organise & Automate and she’s used that course to help her set up a premium client experience, so that she could charge premium prices and take her business full-time.

Yes, she has made her dream a total reality! I’m honoured that I’ve been able to help her with my course and I’m now even more honoured to share this chat I had with her, where she shares her tips on how you can quit your job, start your design business, and start living the life that you crave.

The No.1 Reason You're Not Booking Any Clients

The No.1 Reason You're Not Booking Any Clients

Is your business going through a slow stage? 

Maybe you've just started out, set up your website, created your packages, got yourself on social media aaaaand.... crickets. No one is inquiring about working with you. 

Or maybe you've been freelancing for a while and you've survived until now on referrals- but you suddenly have no clients booked for next month onward. Relying on referrals has always worked for you. How come it isn't working now??

I've been there; I know how you feel. 

You're worrying about how you're going to pay your bills next month.

You're looking at the freelancers around you and you're burning with envy because they're booked six months in advance and they seem like they're always in demand. What are they doing that you're not?

You're wondering if there's something wrong with your website, your services or your portfolio. You're thinking, 'Is there something that's putting clients off??'

There is one major reason why most freelancers struggle to find clients: they don't have a marketing plan.

How to get clients from Twitter

How to get clients from Twitter

Twitter has recently become one of my favorite social media platforms. 

It’s the perfect place to connect with likeminded creatives, build friendships and share your work. 

The mistake a lot of business owners make when promoting their business on Twitter is only tweeting their content, services and products.

That’s not going to work on Twitter. 

Have you heard of the 80/20 rule? You can apply this rule to ANYTHING in life, but we're going to apply it to the wonderful world of Twitter. Here’s what it comes down to: 

Use 20% of your content to promote your brand, and dedicate 80% to content that really interests your audience and engages them in conversation.

Should you switch from freelancing to selling products?

Should you switch from freelancing to selling products?

One of my coaching clients recently asked me, ‘Should I switch from selling services to selling info products? I’ve seen you and a lot of other service-based entrepreneurs do this and I’m worried that services are dying out and that the real money is in infoproducts.’

I was so shocked by this that I asked if I could turn my answer into an email for my entire community to see. If you’ve ever asked yourself if you should start selling products instead of services, this email is for you.

First, I want to let you in on a little secret:

I haven’t stopped selling services.

Even though I sell ebooks and courses for brand & web designers, I’m still working one-on-one with clients and I still sell my design services- I’ve just temporarily removed them from my website because I’m booked for the rest of the year and my soonest availability is February 2017. There’s no point advertising design services that aren’t available at the moment, so I removed them from my site for now.