How I Create Content Without Burning Out


If you feel that batching your Instagram content (especially some of your stories!) doesn't feel authentic then I have some tough love for you today (and I genuinely do say it with love because I want to see you succeed in content creation & business without burning out) 👉

What’s authentic about scrambling for new content ideas every day?

It’s like saying someone’s diet isn’t authentic because they meal prep on Sunday’s instead of cooking every single meal from scratch every day. What does authenticity have to do with it? They're just working smarter, not harder.

❌ Batching content doesn't mean you can’t and won’t post spontaneously anymore.

It just means you're not relying solely on spontaneity as your “strategy.” Now, your spontaneous posts complement your content strategy instead of being the entire strategy.

There are underlying limiting beliefs we should address here if you feel icky about batching your content...

Limiting Belief 1: Authenticity Equals Spontaneity

Authenticity is more about being true to your values and message, regardless of when the content was created. As I mentioned earlier - you can still post spontaneously! But now, if you have nothing to contribute to your niche for a while then you can step back and your content will still consistently publish because you batched a bunch of it.

(If you're not sure how to get started with content batching, try my step-by-step system >>)

Limiting Belief 2: Work Has to Be Hard to Be Successful

People with this belief might think that creating content should be difficult and time-consuming to count as "real work." While seasons of hard work are essential, if it’s your default mode then you’ll burn out eventually.

Limiting Belief 2: Constantly Being Busy = Success

If you subconsciously think being busy all the time = success, you might see batching content as taking shortcuts. But real success isn’t about how much you’re hustling; it’s about being productive and authentic without burning yourself out.

Limiting Belief 4: Productivity Equals Self-Worth

This belief is all about tying your value to how much you do and how hard you work. People with this mindset might feel guilty or lazy for batching content because it allows them to be productive without the constant grind.

If you relate to any of those, don't worry. Limiting beliefs can be rewritten.

If you're ready to work smarter, not harder, and learn how to batch 1 month of content in 1 day then start here.​

If you want to learn how to batch 1 month of Instagram stories in 1 day, start here.​

About Nesha

Hey there! I’m Nesha, 11-year traveling entrepreneur and host of The Simple Business Show. I teach women how to build a $5-10K/month online service business working just 3 days a week, so they can have the financial and time freedom to live the life they dream of.

Looking for more ways I can help you? Here they are:

1:1 Coaching: Work with me on an intimate level to take your business from where it is to where you want it to go.

Content Batching Blueprint: Learn how to batch 1 month of content in 1 day.

Story Sprint: Learn how to batch 1 month of Instagram stories in 1 day so you can show up & sell daily on autopilot.

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Nesha Woolery

I build beautiful brands & websites for passionate entrepreneurs!