project management

Top 3 Project Management Tools For Freelance Web Designers

Top 3 Project Management Tools For Freelance Web Designers

You know you should use a project management tool, but you don't know where to start.

But there are so many out there. How do you choose which one to go for? How do you choose the best one for your business?

Well, you don't need to stress anymore because I'm going to show you the top three project management tools for freelance designers.

5 reasons why all freelancers should use a project management tool

5 reasons why all freelancers should use a project management tool

You've probably put off using a project management tool because you don't know what they are or you haven't had time to figure out how to use one.

Don't worry, when I first heard the PM word my heart sank at the prospect of having to learn how to use yet another tool. I feel your pain, but stick with me. Your PM tool will become your MOST used and valuable business tool, so it's well worth investing a little time in.

In case you don't know, a project management tool/app is a safe, secure space online where you and your clients can keep all files and conversations. Inside your PM tool you can create tasks, to-do lists, deadlines and discussions.

If you've just started freelancing, I'm guessing that using a PM tool hasn't been high on your to do list. You've probably been experimenting with invoicing tools, bookkeeping tools and social media management tools instead, right?

Even though those tools are awesome and you're on the right track, you should have started using a project management tool as soon as you started working with clients.

I'd go as far as saying that a PM tool is the most valuable tool you'll use in your business, and it's never too soon or too late to start using one!

I can think of a million reasons why you should use a project management tool but today I'm going to share just five.

3 myths about project management- BUSTED

3 myths about project management- BUSTED

At the moment, I'm guessing your projects look like this:

  • You and your clients communicate through back and forth emails in dozens of threads.
  • Your clients are constantly late with their feedback, delaying their project again and again.
  • They keep wanting to add more and more work to their project without expecting to pay extra for it.
  • They're usually late with payments, causing you to feel more and more stressed out.

If you resonated with any of that then you're in the right place.

The reason your projects are stressing you out is because you don't use a project management tool to manage them. 

A project management tool/app is a safe, secure space online where you and your clients can keep all files and conversations. Inside your PM tool you can create tasks, to do lists, deadlines and discussions. 

10 Things Designers Need To Streamline

10 Things Designers Need To Streamline

When I first started my design business, I thought the only thing I had to do was design (and be good at it).

Boy was I surprised when I realized everything else I had to do to keep my clients happy and keep myself sane. I couldn't just design- I needed to have a smooth client onboarding process, create intro packets, welcome packets and goodbye packets, use a project management tool, streamline my project wrap-up process and more.

And then there's the mundane tasks that ALL business owners have to deal with like organizing paperwork and desktop files, scheduling social media and email marketing.