How I’m Restructuring My Offer Suite (Introducing the S.M.A.R.T System)


Have you ever felt misaligned with your offer suite, like something about what you sell just isn’t quite right? Isn’t quite “it”?


Maybe you want to start a business but have no idea what to sell. What would be a good online business idea?

Maybe you feel like you’re leaving money on the table because your offer suite has gaps in it.

Or maybe your offers aren’t selling, despite posting consistently.

These are just some of the reasons you may feel stuck on what to sell.

I’m restructuring my offer suite at the moment after refining my signature framework for over a year now, so today we’re going behind-the-scenes into why, what’s changing, and most importantly what you can learn from it to create offers that sell out.

Before we dive in, I wanted to let you know that The S.M.A.R.T system will be coming out soon so stay tuned!

So, what was so wrong with my original offers? Why am I changing my offer suite?

Let me take you back in time!

For a long time, the only thing I sold was ONE course called Organize & Automate. I made multiple six figures from this course.

But I grew really bored of only ever talking about systems and how to organize your business, so in 2021, I launched Simple Sales School, which is a marketing and sales course.

The launch went well, I made about £35K that month (£20K in cash, the rest in payment plans.)


  • I felt the course was too big. Too packed with info.

  • If I felt this way, I assume my students probably did too. Many of them told me they love the course and saw amazing results, but many also said they didn’t finish the course.

I kept thinking: “if I just simplify this course, that will fix the problem.”

But my brain kept putting up a mental block. Something about doing that just didn’t feel right either. 

Then I realized why.

  • Not everyone in my community needs my entire framework, so by selling it as that, I was going to miss out on helping hundreds of people who wouldn’t join a big framework like the one in this course. I wanted to give people the ability to join the entire framework OR just join the module they needed.

  • I care deeply about accessibility. As someone who comes from a background of working minimum wage jobs, having no degree, no rich parents… I care about people of lower budgets having access to my products. Not coaching or 1-1 services as these require max energy and should have four-figure prices, but I always knew I wanted to sell low-ticket products and courses too ($47 - $497).

  • I don’t like updating huge courses; it’s overwhelming. So while I still want to sell ONE course made up of 5 mini classes, I want it to be easy and swift to get through with maximum impact. Courses don’t need to be long to be valuable.

  • I love buying low ticket offers that teach one specific skill. And when I surveyed my audience, they said the same. In fact if you look across the market of digital product sellers right now, this is what is selling really well.

  • My offer suite was lacking an entry offer - a low ticket offer usually $47 - $65 that allows people to dip their toe in what it’s like to buy from you. It’s low risk to join and increases the odds of people joining your higher ticket offer because if your low ticket products were great, they have more trust in your high-ticket offer (and it feels less risky to invest in it.)

What I Learned from This & What You Can Learn Too

1. I launched a low-ticket offer called The Content Batching Blueprint. And I’m soon launching a mid-ticket offer called The S.M.A.R.T System, which teaches you how to work smarter not harder, and scale to $5-10K months with part-time work weeks.

I want the S.M.A.R.T system to be made up of one course or class per section. Then people can buy the entire system (which is going to be the best value) or they can just buy the section they want.

(Psst! Before we go on, you should know: I have a FREE list of 100 Profitable Digital Product Ideas. Sign up to download them >>)

2. Your offer suite needs a low-ticket digital product as an entry offer so that people can get a taste of what it’s like investing in you, and feel less risk investing in your higher ticket offers. Students inside my Content Batching Blueprint are already asking me what else they can buy from me, so trust me, this works.


3. Don’t underestimate the power of low ticket offers like I did. You don’t HAVE to sell high-ticket to make $5-10K a month, you can do so from digital products under $100. But just know that if you want to do this, you’ll need to post at least 4-5 times a week on Instagram and post stories daily too. This is how you’ll make your sales. (Use my Content Batching Blueprint or Story Sprint to help you.)

4. If you’re creating a digital product or course, make it easy and fast to go through. The goal should be to get your students results as fast and easily as possible. More content does not amount to more value.

So, How Is My Offer Suite Changing?

Simple Sales School is retiring soon and I’m creating a brand new system:

The S.M.A.R.T System.

Some parts of the system are taught inside Simple Sales School and some parts are new.

If you're inside Simple Sales School then the parts of the S.M.A.R.T system that correlate with modules inside of Simple Sales School will be given to you for free. Any parts of the S.M.A.R.T system that weren't featured inside Simple Sales School will have to be purchased separately.

What is the S.M.A.R.T System?

S: The Simple Business Builder (where you’ll lay foundations to build a simple yet profitable business, such as your Super Niche and an irresistible offer.)

M: Marketing strategy. Use a content strategy that can drive daily sales and inquiries even *without* going viral. Entrepreneurs that rely on going viral often burn out. Business owners who can make money even when their posts only reach 1K eyeballs can sleep easy.

A: Automated email marketing. Create a freebie and use that to grow your list. Then when you’re ready for a more advanced strategy, automate 6 months of email marketing so you can make sales in your sleep.

R: Revenue-rocketing digital products. Launch a digital product so you can make passive income.

T: Create time management systems so you can work less and earn more. (Like my content batching system!)

Sign up for my free guidebook to learn more!

When will it be available?

The entire S.M.A.R.T system should be launched and available before this Summer.

I’ll be honest - restructuring my offer suite has been the biggest hurdle I’ve faced in business for a while. I’ve put a lot of pressure on myself to make it as amazing as possible and I think that has resulted in me taking longer than I should have to get this out into the world. But it’s almost here. And I’m grateful for your patience and understanding as I’ve been figuring out how best to structure everything I’ve learned over the last 12 years of entrepreneurship into one system!

What's happening to Simple Sales School and Organize & Automate?

Organize & Automate is still available but we’re making changes to the sales page. If you’d like to join, email us and we’ll send you the link!

Simple Sales School will be retired but as I mentioned earlier, if you're inside Simple Sales School then the parts of the S.M.A.R.T system that correlate with modules inside of Simple Sales School will be given to you for free. Any parts of the smart system that weren't featured inside Simple Sales School, you will have to purchase separately.

About Nesha

Hey there! I’m Nesha, 11-year traveling entrepreneur and host of The Simple Business Show. I teach women how to build a $5-10K/month online service business working just 3 days a week, so they can have the financial and time freedom to live the life they dream of.

Looking for more ways I can help you? Here they are:

1:1 Coaching: Work with me on an intimate level to take your business from where it is to where you want it to go.

Group Coaching Program: The Simple Business Builder: Learn to build a $5-10K/month online business working 3 days a week.

Organize & Automate - Join 1200+ students and learn how to organize your entire online service-based business in just two weeks (on the side of your regular routine!) so you can stop stressing and fall back in love with your business.

Simple Sales School - Learn how to get a consistent flow of clients so you can build the income & financial freedom you desire.

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Nesha Woolery

I build beautiful brands & websites for passionate entrepreneurs!