march 2015

How to get clients from Facebook groups

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How to get clients from Facebook groups | Need to book more clients? Getting clients from Facebook groups and other social media websites seems hard but it isn't- honest! Click through to see how I find and book clients through Facebook groups. #Fre…

One of the biggest problems freelancers face is finding clients.

Where can you find them?

Where you can you find the right clients?

How do you actually get them to book a spot in your schedule instead of disappearing forever?

Those are just a few of the questions people want answers to.

But today, I'm going to tackle the first one: where can you find clients?

Finding clients is not that hard. And Facebook makes it even easier.

Last year I contemplated deleting my Facebook account, since I rarely used it and I didn't get much traffic from it. But I decided to give it one more shot.

Across the web, I had read other business owners raving about Facebook, saying:

  • They get most of their clients from Facebook.

  • They've formed wildly profitable collaborations with business owners they met on Facebook.

  • Facebook brings their website lots of traffic and gets them lots of subscribers.

My reaction to reading those statements was HOW?

But since then, I've been slowly figuring it out.

My favorite feature of Facebook is Facebook groups. They're fantastic because:

  • You can find Facebook groups for any genre- blogger moms, freelance designers, entrepreneurial women... there are groups for everyone!

  • You get to connect with like-minded people.

  • You can ask for advice and provide advice.

  • You can form really great friendships that lead to collaborations, clients, referrals and faster business growth.

So, how do you get clients from Facebook groups? Here are my top 4 tips:

  1. Give. Don't promote lots of your content and constantly spam the other members with you, you, you. Facebook groups are about forming a community and giving. Provide free advice to other members. Do free work for them. Be kind. Kindness can lead to clients, or at the very least make you feel good and proud.

  2. Participate. If there are daily challenges or questions asked, make sure you join in and get your name seen by the other members. Especially if the questions asked are about your niche. This is a great way of establishing your expertise!

  3. Share. In most Facebook groups there is a certain day in the week where all members can share their latest blog post or service. Make sure you share yours and add an image! After all the free advice you've been dishing out, people might want to visit your website and get in touch with you.

  4. Search. Search for people who are looking to hire someone like you. If you're a designer, you may want to search 'design' or 'Wordpress'. Then write a sincere comment (don't copy and paste) and leave your web address and email. Or, even better, show initiative and drop them an email yourself!

When I raised my rates in January, my first two bookings were from women I met in Facebook groups. I'm living proof that practicing the tips above works!

But if I'm honest, Facebook groups do something better than help you find clients. They help you find amazing friends from all over the world.

If you're looking for a Facebook group where you can take action on these tips then don't forget to sign up for info on my latest offering, The Shelancers Club. We'll have our own Facebook group where you can connect, seek advice, and help each other build successful businesses!

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Is your reliable paycheck holding you back from freelancing full-time?

So you've figured out that you really want to do creative, fulfilling work but you know that you'll have to start at the bottom...and you think that means a crappy wage. Well if you click on this pin, you can find out the reason why you find your re…

So, you have a really good job working for a large corporation that pays you lots of lovely moolah.

You work with fun, easy-going people.

Your boss isn't even one of those crazy, mean bosses that shouts all day. He's actually a pretty cool dude!

But despite how 'good' your job is, it's not what you've dreamed of doing. What you reeeeally want to do is be your own boss. Control your own income. Get to work from home all day and be able to spend LOTS of time with your kids and your husband. You really want to do creative, fulfilling work. But you know that you'll have to start at the bottom... and you think that means a crappy wage.

If you freelanced full-time, how would you save enough money to afford luxuries like vacations?

How would you pay those pesky student loans?

How could you selfishly leave your husband to earn most of the money while you pursue this wild, crazy dream?

I know that many of you have asked yourself those questions at some point.

Here's your problem:

Your reliable paycheck is holding you back from freelancing full-time because you're scared of the unknown. You're scared you'll have no money. Scared you'll let your family down. You hear the word 'freelance' and instantly think of broke students travelling around Europe, designing from second-hand Macbooks in grubby hotels.

Here's the myth that is in your way:

You think freelancers don't earn much money. Therefore, you think YOU won't earn much money. But you're wrong.

Sure, when you first start freelancing it can be tough. Most people don't earn as much money as they did at their corporate job in their first year of freelancing. But you have to think past that year.

Last year, I earned triple what I did at my old day job!

That is not my way of giving you permission to abandon your day job, but I am trying to give you hope.

When I quit my day job, it felt 100% right. The morning I went into work I didn't have a clue that I was going to quit. I just did it it.

When the time is right, you'll feel it in your bones (as cheesy as that sounds) and you'll follow your dream of freelancing full-time. But don't rush into it without preparing!

Here's 3 things you can start doing now to PREPARE for freelancing full-time.

  1. Save as much money as you can. When you quit, use this money to help you maintain the lifestyle you've become accustomed to.
  2. Start building your portfolio. No one wants to hire someone who doesn't have an online portfolio, so make sure you get on this! Your website doesn't have to be amazing- you'll probably change it in your first year anyway. Just buy a Wordpress template and fill it with your work. (And don't forget to add some testimonials!)
  3. Start making connections. Referrals is still the best way to get clients, so make friends with others in your niche and politely ask them to send work your way when they can! It can feel rude asking for referrals, but people won't mind as much as you think.

Tell me in a comment- what is holding you back from chasing your dreams and freelancing full-time?