double your design income

1 Unexpected Way To Double Your Income

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“I want to…”

  • Double my income

  • Pay off my debt

  • Make six figures

“But to do that, I’ll have to…”

  • Take on more clients (and I can’t handle any more right now.)

  • Start selling a digital product (and I don’t have time to create and market that right now.)

Have YOU felt this way? Like you want to make more money but it’s too hard? And you don’t have the time?

I want you to know: doubling your income or getting any of the results I mentioned above is simpler than you think!

Watch the video below or continue reading to learn 1 unexpected (and overlooked!) way to double the income you make from your online service-based biz.

(By the way - the video below was originally recorded as a live stream to a group of freelance designers. But it doesn’t matter what online service-based industry you are in - design, coaching, photography, etc - you will benefit from this!)

Organizing your business could actually double your income, which is something that nobody realizes. Organizing your business seems like such a boring task to do and something that isn't very important on your to do list, but it can actually have incredible effects for your income, as many of my Organize & Automate students will tell you.

Most solopreneurs put off organizing their business because they think that they don't have enough time to do it. But it's actually because it's not an important enough task to you yet. You don't see the true value in organizing your business. You see client work, marketing, and growing your income as more important.

And all of those things are incredibly important.

But what if I told you that organizing your business could help you get more of those things, more time and more income?

Once you hear these three ways that organizing your business can double your income, it'll take on a whole new level of importance to you.

01: Being organized frees up time. Time you can use to create other income streams, instead of only selling services.

One of my students, Rena, freed up two hours every day, which is 10 hours a week and 40 hours a month.

Can you imagine what you could do with 40 extra hours per month?

You could spend that time launching a course, writing and selling an ebook, or starting a side hustle!

When I organized my business I finally had the time to launch a course that has now helped over 750 online business owners organize their business, and has bought in an extra $200k of income.

If I hadn't organized my business, I would never have had the time to make that course happen.

So, what do you want to launch? Tell me in a comment below!

02: When you're organized, you can take on more than one client without overwhelm.

Let's say that you only have the capacity to take on one client at a time right now without feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and burned out. But then you organize your business so that now you have the capacity to take on two clients at a time without the overwhelm.

That now doubles your income.

One of my students, Erin, did this because she found out she was pregnant, her sister was hospitalized, her husband lost his job, and she was already super stressed out with her work load. Now she had become the sole earner in the family, she couldn't quit her business like she'd been thinking of doing. She needed to step up and earn more without so much stress and so much overwhelm.

She organized her business so that she could take on more than one client at a time without overwhelm, and she doubled her income. (Click here to read her full story!)

I want you to pause right now and think to yourself, "What could I do if I doubled my income? Would that maybe help me to afford my dream house, more family vacations? Would it go towards my wedding? Would it simply go into my savings account to make me feel more secure, or could I pay off my student debt?"

Think what you could do if you doubled your income, and then think back to this article and I want you to realize that you don’t need to launch a passive income stream if you don’t want to. You could increase your income just by getting organized and creating the capacity to take on more clients.

(Psst! Erin isn’t the only student of mine to double her income by organizing her business. Jade did it too! She now takes on 8 clients at a time - with ease. Click here to read her story.)

03. Being organized = more repeat work and referrals.

Clients see being organized as being professional. It's not enough anymore just to provide good work to your clients.

They will remember the experience that you give them, the process you take them through, and the way that you treat them way more than the work that you created for them.

And that could be the difference between them hiring you again in the future or looking elsewhere.

I'll give you a real life example of this. Ages ago, I hired a virtual assistant on a temporary trial. When we talked on Zoom she was great, her site was great, her testimonials were great. But, when we started working together she was pretty unorganized and I had to keep reminding her of certain parts of the process that she had forgotten. As much as she was a fantastic person, her forgetfulness led me to not wanting to work with her after her trial had finished.

Do you see where I'm coming from with this one? It was frustrating. Her lack of organization caused me to doubt her, and it caused me to not trust her abilities and her skills. Great person, don't get me wrong, but I couldn't continue to work with her. And I don't want you to be that person for your clients. I want you to show your clients how organized you are, and that will translate into you seeming professional, reliable, trustworthy, and worthy of those clients working with you again, and referring their friends and family to you.

Not sure how to organize your business?? Scared it will take forever?

I have a free masterclass that will teach you my 10-step framework to organize your entire online service-based business.

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